Thursday, March 31, 2011

Help a Child Day!

If you're reading this, these children need YOUR help! You don't have to adopt them if that's not right for you, but help spread the word to other families! Today is your day to help a child! We have 5 children about to age out of being eligible for adoption in the next few months! Their only hope is people like you who will spread the word about them to other adoptive families....families who may already be logged in, or a ways into the process. That's the only chance these five kids at having a life that is not filled with the stigma of being an orphan, and going around in life as "unlucky." These kids all have grants associated with their adoptions! So what some family may have thought wasn't possible, is now possible! Please tell everyone you know in the adoption community about these children. We also have 3 others who age out within the year (2011) with grants, and for those it may be possible for families without dossiers logged in to pursue them. Please take a stand and help these children find their forever families and experience a life with potential and encouragement!

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