Monday, November 7, 2011

The Twins

I'm happy to announce that the twins have found a family! Congratulations to that family! When their files went back to the shared list, I was afraid they wouldn't find a family. Thanks to the wonderful advocates out there who never gave up, they will have one! I'm thrilled for them and for their family!

I have to recognize our wonderful advocates who go out there and spread the word about adoption and about our specific children waiting for families! They have helped so many children find families! A special thank you goes out to those volunteers putting those words into action for National Adoption Month and taking those advocacy efforts to their church or community. They are presenting our waiting children in clever ways and I have no doubts that their efforts will help more children and families to be united. They deserve so much more than a thank you! So to all of you who go out there with adoption in your hearts and help spread the word--thank you, from the bottom of my heart!


  1. What wonderful news!!!!

  2. This is MARVELOUS NEWS! Hooray for the twins and their lucky new family!!!

