Monday, November 12, 2012

Are You an Advocate?

You know you're an adoption advocate when:

1.) You see waiting children and want to take them all home!
2.) You talk about waiting children to your social networking groups and spread the word about the children who need families.
3.) You tell your friends and family about waiting children that tug at your heart.
4.) You tell the folks on yahoo groups about waiting children that tug at your heart.

5.) You talk to your church or other community about waiting children and ways they can help, including adoption, donations or advocating.
6.) You collect money to help waiting children without families.

7.) You contact Marci to find out which children need advocates the most.
8.) You host a blog or submit guest posts to other blogs about waiting children.
9.) You share your experience of adopting a waiting child and become an adoption ambassador.

10.) You are such a good advocate that your adopted child wants to do something to contribute, so they make something to sell and donate the money to one of ASIA's Programs to give back to orphanages and orphans. 

We got a call recently from one of the members of our ASIA family whose daughter, along with her friends' daughter, were making friendship bracelets to sell and donate the money to ASIA's Program to give back to orphans. What a great idea! Lots of our families have kids that are getting older these days and this sounds like such a wonderful opportunity for them to contribute!

.....any other suggestions?

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