Thursday, August 6, 2009

Michael, Clark, Hannah & John

Michael (9), Clark (13), Hannah (9) and John (9) were four kids from the Shenzhen SWI, but living in an interesting extended foster family situation. They live in something like a family compound – the foster family, the foster family’s parents, and an aunt and uncle. A total of 25 children are living in the three homes nearby. This reminds me of historical China, when a common housing style was a set of individual buildings set in a quadrangle around a courtyard. The children, living in this rather large extended family, appear to be thriving. They seemed well adjusted, joyful and very bonded to one another. While shy in the large group, they all willingly introduced themselves and performed their talent. Clark showed off his muscle building poses, Hannah sang a song, John did sports charades and Michael was a very convincing robot. When they were doing their art project, they all worked together and were so kind and gentle with one another. I was impressed with each and every one of them. Great kids that would bring joy to any family.

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